1.       PROGRAM TITLE: Vet Tails Veterinary Wellness Retreat


This course covers wellness and wellbeing for the veterinary professional. We will cover the science behind meditation and mindfulness, and how it can be used to improve wellbeing. We will discuss mindful communication, how to reduce stress and worry, the practice of self care, alternative pathways within veterinary careers and how to find your purpose within the veterinary profession. We will discuss compassion fatigue and burnout that can occur with in the industry and how this can be managed.


Attendees will complete this program with a greater sense of self and the knowledge to better deal with the daily stresses of the veterinary industry. Attendees will complete the program with knowledge on how to meditate and practice mindfulness, and have extra tools to deal with stress, compassion fatigue and burnout. Attendees will be better able to communicate with clients and colleagues. Attendees will learn the foundations of self care and how it can help them within the workplace, including setting boundaries and attending to their own needs. Attendees will be able to share the practices of mindfulness, meditation and improved communication with their colleagues in the workplace. Attendees will have a better understanding of the career options available to them within the veterinary industry and receive the tools to evaluate what they want to achieve within their career. We will also discuss how to find a therapist or counsellor.


4.       PROGRAM AGENDA: 10 RACE hours

  • Mindfulness and Meditation for the Veterinary Professional – 2 hours – Dr Sheridan Manion

  • Alternatives in the Veterinary Profession – 1 hour – Dr Sheridan Manion

  • Get Unstuck and Find Your Purpose – 2 hours – Dr Sheridan Manion

  • Selfcare for the Veterinary Professional – 1 hour – Dr Sheridan Manion

  • Healing the Healer: Compassion Fatigue and Burnout– 2 hours– Dr Sheridan Manion

  • Mindful Communication – 2 hours – Dr Sheridan Manion