• The Veterinary Wellness Retreat provided a perfect balance of relaxation, personal growth, and professional development. The daily wellness sessions helped me reconnect with myself and find a renewed sense of balance, physically and mentally. The workshops on veterinary self-care were insightful, blending professional expertise with holistic approaches that I found helpful and practical. Challenging us to do new and unfamiliar things during the retreat helped remind me how to find joy in simple accomplishments. 

    The retreat's location was awesome, and Sheridan went above and beyond to create a welcoming environment where we could focus on our well-being while also learning valuable tools and techniques for mindfully practicing veterinary medicine. I appreciate the connections I made with fellow attendees; our shared experiences have left a lasting impact on me. The retreat offered me a much-needed space to rejuvenate and explore my passion and personal goals. I didn't want to leave Costa Rica, but since I had to, I at least left feeling inspired, refreshed, and deeply grateful for the experience.

  • I couldn’t be more thrilled with the time I spent on the VetTails retreat. The retreat was relaxing, educational, and eye-opening. Being in the beautiful country of Costa Rica helped, but what really shone bright was the ability to focus on myself; mentally and physically, which so often gets caught up in the stress of vet med. This retreat not only allowed me to de-stress, but with Sheddy’s guidance, it allowed me to take a step back and rediscover my purpose and love for the unknown and adventure. It provided me with the tools to continue to find my own little piece of calm, getting back into the “real world” and for me, that is invaluable. Sheddy was a wonderful mentor who not only shared a glimpse of Costa Rica but also listened to every one of us with care and compassion. Sheddy created an amazing environment to work through some difficult feelings and create community while also allowing for adventure. I think the experiences that I left with are needed in this field and in life, we all deserve to take the time to focus on ourselves (while getting some CE and travel too!) and this retreat definitely allows for it. 

  • I never knew how much I needed this retreat until I got home and applied it. The knowledge from both the activities AND the lectures are absolutely worth the time away from my business and the cost of the flight and retreat. 

    We are all a work in progress. The more I know, the more I know I don't know. And I'll continue to seek ways to tailor my life as needed for my happiness and well being.


  • The Veterinary Wellness Retreat with Sheddy was life changing for me! This was the perfect time in my career as a shelter veterinarian (for over the last 10+years) to participate in Dr. Sheddy's retreat. EVERYTHING was amazing and I will definitely be joining again! Thank you! 

  • This retreat was such a calming, re-energizing experience. It was the perfect balance of education, community, free time, and adventure. The details were carefully considered and nothing was missing. The structure was well-designed so that there was a template and flow to each day, but plenty of room for flexibility and adaptation. This significantly contributed to a low-pressure environment which is key for those of us especially sensitive to negative “vibrations”. 

    The daily yoga and high quality diet quite literally reset my body and metabolism. Upon returning home, my chiropractor noted how much easier I was to adjust and my gut promptly responded to my less-than-high-quality, typical diet. 

    The CE content touched on many topics I have dived into through my own work in therapy, volunteer activities, and my personal interest in psychology and psychiatry. Even with that background, new ideas were introduced and having other veterinary professionals to talk through these ideas with was both validating and enlightening


Thank you to VetCandy for supporting our retreats